Success at appeal – Aspect Ecology overcomes biodiversity reason for refusal at public inquiry
August 2024
Aspect Ecology resolves all biodiversity matters facilitating grant of permission at appeal for 446 new homes in Surrey
Aspect Ecology had been advising on land at Hookwood in Surrey for Rydon Homes (now known as B.Yond Strategic Land) since 2019. Notwithstanding the site’s allocation, alongside the provision of a full suite of ecological surveys, the safeguarding of all areas and species of interest and a commitment to deliver a biodiversity net gain, the Council refused the application on a variety of grounds, including biodiversity.
In particular, concern was held by the Council that the site should remain permeable for bats post development in the event that the notable species Bechstein’s sought to traverse the site. The species is known from the local area and utilises ancient woodland in the south. However, radio tracking and other studies recorded no evidence that the species utilised the land at Hookwood. Nonetheless, Aspect Ecology worked closely with the appointed lighting consultant to design a sensitive lighting scheme that would ensure that dark linked corridors would be provided across the site post development to ensure the site remained permeable for bats. Just prior to the inquiry being heard, the Council agreed this work fully satisfied their concerns and they subsequently withdrew the biodiversity reason for refusal.
It is welcome that we were able to overcome this reason for refusal prior to the inquiry. However, we would note that if earlier engagement would take place on such sites, especially where allocated such as in this case, the need for these sites to be taken to inquiry could be avoided.
Notwithstanding, the biodiversity Reason for Refusal having been withdrawn Aspect Ecology’s Senior Director (Alistair Baxter) gave evidence at the inquiry so as to present biodiversity evidence and respond to ongoing queries raised by third parties.
Further details in respect of the scheme can be found within the appeal decision located here.
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