Our reach extends across the full range of sectors including residential, retail, commercial, highways, rail and renewables. Our team is well rehearsed in operating within a multi-disciplinary environment and working to tight programmes with challenging deadlines.
We are regularly work on sites as far apart as Cornwall, Surrey, Norfolk, Pembrokeshire, Lincolnshire and Cumbria.

Project types: small – large scale developments, apartment buildings, house extensions
Aspect Ecology has significant experience in delivering professional services in the residential sector.
We provide clients with specialist ecological input on a wide range of issues and assist through all stages of planning applications. We have experience in advising on projects of all scales, and using our in depth knowledge of ecology and the sector, we can advise you in all ecological aspects of your residential development projects, ensuring ecology considerations are taken into account to avoid costly delays to your project programme and minimise the impact on wildlife.
We have particular expertise in dealing with projects in sensitive locations where issues may include SACs, SPAs, SSSIs, Local Wildlife Site (including CWS, SINCs, SNCIs) requiring novel or bespoke mitigation solutions to be drawn up.

Project types: industrial estates, distribution centres, demolition & construction
Aspect Ecology advises clients in respect of industrial developments, at a range of scales.
We can advise on the ecological work required to inform planning applications for developments within this sector, and are equipped to undertake such work efficiently to ensure that your project proceeds on programme.
We carry particular expertise in bringing forward design solutions where sensitive issues arise such as high value invertebrate assemblages or the presence of rare breeding birds e.g. Black Redstart. Recent projects include the re-development of a former oil refinery and the provision of new petro-chemical storage facilities requiring integration of high value invertebrate communities into the design.

Retail and Commercial
Project types: supermarkets, superstores, single outlet developments, offices, demolition & construction
We are highly experienced in this sector and familiar in the requirements of the industry.
Our expertise within this sector allows us to manage protected species and biodiversity issues to facilitate the delivery of commercial development projects in a cost and time efficient manner.
Our work typically seeks to manage biodiversity matters by minimising impacts and designing streamlined and cost-effective biodiversity enhancement schemes to be incorporated into planning proposals.
Aspect Ecology has undertaken survey work to inform planning proposals for a number of commercial developments.

Road, Rail and Air
Project types: motorways, road junctions, services, rail lines, airports
Our experience in this sector enables the design process to be streamlined, from route selection through to detailed design.
Through the early identification of wildlife corridors and infrastructure crossing points for wildlife, appropriate mitigation strategies can be drawn up to enable successful and efficient delivery of your project.
We carry particular experience in addressing sensitive issues encountered in linear infrastructure projects, such as the presence of ancient woodland, veteran trees and rare bat species while we hold particular expertise in the issues of the effects of noise and air quality effects arising on designated habitats from airport expansion schemes.
We are an approved supplier of Network Rail and have most recently been involved in conducting a range of survey work for HS2.

Leisure and Tourism
Project types: hotels, sports and stadiums, golf course development
Aspect Ecology carries a breadth of experience in this sector. We regularly work on schemes including leisure, hotel and tourism facilities and provide a range of ecological services appropriate to the habitats and species that may be encountered.
Aspect Ecology understands the cost and time related issues associated with this sector, and we are experienced in delivering projects on budget to tight deadlines.
We regularly advise on the refurbishment of buildings, and manage issues arising such as the presence of roosting bats. Our expertise often allows us to obtain early licences for pre-enabling or demolition works ahead of detailed planning being granted for redevelopment.

Project types: hospitals, healthcare offices
Aspect Ecology advises on both the re-development of existing healthcare facilities and the provision of new hospitals or clinics.
Our extensive experience of the redevelopment of NHS and Trust facilities means that we are able to realistically scope ecological surveys and utilize the results arising to maximize the developable area achievable whilst simultaneously mitigating for ecological issues that may arise.
We also work closely with architects to bring forward opportunities for ecological enhancement and the design of pocket nature reserves to provide contact with nature to patients which can aid in their rehabilitation.
Accordingly, Aspect Ecology is well positioned to provide ecological advice and support to ensure that your planning application proceeds in a time and cost-efficient manner.

Minerals, Water, Restoration and Regeneration
Project types: quarries, delivery routes, urban regeneration
We are highly experienced in advising on a wide range of projects in this sector and the important ecosystems that can be associated with project sites.
The dynamic nature of the ecological issues that may be identified can be challenging to manage and Aspect Ecology’s experience enables us to bring forward mitigation solutions designed to minimize impacts on project programmes.
Our expertise allows us to assist you in the delivery of your project, whilst protecting wildlife and maximising biodiversity benefits available under your scheme.
Project examples include identification of new sites, management of mineral extraction wildlife related issues, advice on the ecological effects of hydrological changes to minerals sites, advice on effects on sensitive habitats such as ancient woodland, redevelopment of quarries for large scale residential development, the regeneration of urban areas, the construction of new access roads to enable delivery of materials and minerals restoration proposals.

Ports and Coastal Development
Project types: ports, jetties, piers, moorings, sea walls and coastal residential and commercial schemes
Aspect Ecology’s team’s experience extends into the intertidal zone and its related habitats. We are highly experienced in assessing effects of proposals on coastal designations such as SPAs, Marine Conservation Zones or SSSIs and the use of Habitat Regulation Assessment as a compliance tool to facilitate proposals.
We are able to carry out specialist survey work from vantage point surveys for birds e.g. for offshore renewables schemes, and specialist visitor surveys e.g. to examine recreational pressure and potential for bird disturbance on coastal designations. Aspect Ecology then utilise this information to feed into the scheme assessment process to design mitigation solutions to facilitate the project’s aims whilst protecting wildlife interests where present.
Our expertise in respect of site design allows us to work closely with architects to address issues such as masterplan and building design to ensure that wind funnel effects, shading and collision risk are assessed and mitigation solutions brought forward as required.