Faunal Surveys
Survey work may often initially focus on identification of the presence/absence of protected species and, if present, the subsequent establishment of population sizes. Surveys are regularly undertaken for the following species/faunal groups:

Buildings and trees can be subject to preliminary roost assessments to search for signs of use by bats throughout the year. This can inform the requirement for undertaking further survey work in the form of emergence and re-entry surveys.

Depending on the results of preliminary assessments, between 1 and 3 emergence and/or re‑entry surveys of buildings or trees may be required. This will confirm any use of suspected roosts by bats, and provide an estimate of numbers and species of bats present.

A minimum of 3 activity surveys spread throughout the season may be required, although more surveys may be necessary, subject to habitat assessment and the potential presence of notable bat species.

Surveys can be undertaken throughout the year; although are more successful in winter when vegetation is reduced and signs of activity are more visible.

Presence / absence of Dormouse can be determined by deploying a minimum of 50 Dormouse tubes spaced at 20m intervals, if possible for the entire season from April – November. Tubes should be checked monthly or bi-monthly.

The survey season for Water Vole is April to October and generally two surveys should be undertaken; one in the first half of the season (April to June) and one in the second half (July to October).

Surveys can be undertaken throughout the year, although are most successful in summer months when water levels are generally lower and weather conditions are favourable.

Surveys should be carried out between March – October, with the best months being April, May and September. At least 7 survey visits are required at appropriate time of day in appropriate weather conditions, and ideally these surveys will be spread out throughout the season.

Habitat suitability surveys for Great Crested Newt can be undertaken throughout the year, but are more effective in the summer months when an accurate assessment of vegetation cover can be undertaken.
Presence / absence can be determined by undertaking four ‘standard’ surveys, which involves searching for Great Crested Newt within ponds using torches, nets, bottle-traps and egg searches. If presence is determined, then a further two ‘standard’ surveys are required to establish the population size. Surveys should be carried out between mid-March and mid-June, with half of the surveys undertaken between mid-April and mid-May.
Alternatively, presence / absence can be determined by testing water samples from ponds for Great Crested Newt DNA (eDNA surveys), which can be carried out between mid-April to June. If presence is determined, an additional six ‘standard’ surveys are required to assess the population size.

Typically three spaced visits are required between April – June (inclusive).

A minimum of three spaced visits is typically required between October – March (inclusive).

A minimum of three survey visits is generally required, spread out between spring and autumn. Methods include beating of vegetation, sweep netting, suction sampling, hand-searching, spot‑sampling and pond-netting to determine the presence of any important invertebrate assemblages.

Surveys should be carried out in the summer and early autumn, and generally two survey visits should be undertaken. Presence / absence can be determined by active searching in suitable habitat, night searching by torch and trapping of deeper waters. A permit from the Environment Agency may be required to trap White-clawed Crayfish.