May 2021 – Aspect Ecology’s evidence leads to successful appeal decision which provides confirmation that metric calculations should be interpreted alongside professional judgement when assessing biodiversity net gain

Aspect Ecology’s evidence leads to successful appeal decision [...]

April 2021 – Aspect Ecology’s input to the design of a wildlife corridor leads to a biodiversity net gain and enables LPA to withdraw its reason for refusal, facilitating the grant of planning permission at appeal

Aspect Ecology’s input to the design of a [...]

March 2021: Ashdown Forest SPA – Inspector agrees with Aspect Ecology that no mitigation, in the form of SANG & SAMM contributions, is required for a site on the boundary (just outside) of the SPA’s 7km zone of influence.

Ashdown Forest SPA - Inspector agrees with Aspect [...]

February 2021: Habitat translocation can be a useful mitigation tool – a case study of a successful relocation of species rich grassland

Habitat translocation can be a useful mitigation tool [...]

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