Aspect Ecology’s work on a site in Hampshire has facilitated the grant of Planning Permission for 1,500 residential units.
Aspect Ecology’s work on a site in Hampshire has facilitated the grant of Planning Permission for 1,500 residential units alongside the retention and enhancement of key habitats, the creation of opportunities for a range of species and the creation of an associated 31ha SANG.
Following work by Aspect Ecology, a major new strategic development for a highly constrained site in Hampshire is now in receipt of planning permission. Careful ecological planning by Aspect Ecology ensured that potential ‘showstoppers’ to development have been incorporated into the now permitted scheme, including non-statutory local designations, priority habitats (in the form of acidic grassland and Open Mosaic Habitat) and notable populations of common reptiles, breeding bats and invertebrates.
In addition, part of the site lies within 400m of the Thames Basins Heaths Special Protection Area (SPA) while land that superficially appears to be functionally-linked to the SPA lies immediately adjacent to the site. Aspect Ecology led a team of professional consultants to design a package of measures to mitigate potential effects, including the provision of a 31ha area of Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG), to ensure that the project could demonstrate, via a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) / Appropriate Assessment (AA), that no effects on the integrity of the SPA would arise from either the project alone, or the project in combination with other development.
As a result of Aspect Ecology’s project input the delivery of 1,500 units on the site was enabled – a number which far exceeded the client’s initial expectations for the site.