Natural England and the Forestry Commission further amend standing advice.

Natural England and the Forestry Commission further amend standing advice to withdraw the requirement for 50m buffer zones to ancient woodland pending future consultation.

This update arises following work by Aspect Ecology and advice provided to the Home Builders Federation. Natural England has confirmed that they “accept that we have not engaged as widely as we might have done when seeking stakeholder views”. This is particularly pertinent given the evidence base available.

As a result Natural England has confirmed that “Natural England and Forestry Commission will be undertaking further discussions with key stakeholders.  While this takes place, the Standing Advice published in November 2017 continues to apply but the text on buffer zones will revert to that from the October 2015 version until the discussions conclude”

Click here to download our Briefing Note on the previous version of the standing advice (November 2017).

For more information on this issue please contact Alistair Baxter (