
Keep up to date with the latest Aspect news.

July 2021 – Biodiversity Net Gain: Natural England launches the finalised metric, known as ‘Defra 3.0’, which will accompany the forthcoming Environment Bill.

June 2021 – Aspect Ecology has been commissioned to advise on the proposal to bring forward green and blue hydrogen plants at Killingholme Power Station as part of Humber Zero

May 2021 – Aspect Ecology’s evidence leads to successful appeal decision which provides confirmation that metric calculations should be interpreted alongside professional judgement when assessing biodiversity net gain

April 2021 – Aspect Ecology’s input to the design of a wildlife corridor leads to a biodiversity net gain and enables LPA to withdraw its reason for refusal, facilitating the grant of planning permission at appeal

March 2021: Ashdown Forest SPA – Inspector agrees with Aspect Ecology that no mitigation, in the form of SANG & SAMM contributions, is required for a site on the boundary (just outside) of the SPA’s 7km zone of influence.

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