Aspect Ecology’s evidence at appeal secures a permission with a full costs award for a site adjacent to Pevensey Levels SAC
We are pleased to have been able to help in finally unlocking a site in Bexhill which had been stuck in the local planning system for far too long. Aspect Ecology has been working on this allocated site since 2015! While this is a sensitive site, being located next to Pevensey Levels SAC, our close engagement alongside that of the project consultant drainage engineers with Natural England, Environment Agency and the Lead Local Flood Authority, resulted in these consultees being fully satisfied with the proposed mitigation measures and raising no objection to the proposals. The Planning Officer was also satisfied and recommended approval and the Council’s own Habitats Regulation Assessment recorded an outcome of no adverse effects on the integrity of the SAC. Nonetheless, the Planning Committee still refused the application.
Alistair Baxter (Senior Director) presented evidence at the inquiry and explained to the Inspector that the safeguards in place within the project design would ensure that adverse effects on the integrity of the SAC would be avoided. The Inspector agreed with Alistair’s evidence and granted planning permission.
Furthermore, the Inspector also granted the appellant a full cost award which will hopefully serve as a future deterrent to Planning Committees who refuse permission on purely political grounds.
The decision can be found here
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