District Licensing for Great Crested Newts is now available in Sussex
An alternative to the standard licensed mitigation methods to address the presence of the protected species Great Crested Newts on sites is now available in Sussex. Known as ‘District Licensing’ the approach allows projects to proceed without the need to carry out survey work or mitigation (save for in the highest interest locations) for Great Crested Newts. Instead a tariff can be paid which provides offsite strategic compensation, including new pond and terrestrial habitat creation, for the species. As a result the approach can save time on project programmes and provide a simpler approach to addressing the presence of Great Crested Newts on site.
However, the District Licensing route can represent a costly approach. Helpfully the standard licensing approach remains available and can provide a more cost effective alternative on many sites. Aspect Ecology is pleased to provide advice as to the best approach to follow on a case by case basis.
District licensing is also available in a wide range of other local authority areas elsewhere in the country.
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